About Cost Share Programs
Landowners can receive cost-share assistance from the South Platte NRD for installing conservation practices such as terraces, tree planting, erosion control dams, buffer strips and livestock pipelines. These funds are available through the local EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentive Program), the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation Program (NSWCP) and the South Platte NRD Conservation Program. In most cases, 65 percent of the total cost for these projects is available as reimbursement following approved work. NRCS guidelines must be followed to be eligible. Some areas of the district are designated "target areas" for increased emphasis on improving conservation efforts. For more information, click the program name.
Available Cost Share Programs
Equipment Services
South Platte NRD has equipment available to help make your project a success. Check out the button below to see what's available.
Corners For Wildlife
The Corners For Wildlife program gives landowners the option to set aside a center pivot corner and plant it to trees, shrubs and/or grass. If at least 400 trees are planted and the corner remains undisturbed for at least five years, the producer will receive a rental payment of $45 per acre per year.
Funding for the program is being provided by the Mile High and High Plains chapters of Pheasants Forever in Kimball and Cheyenne counties, Nebraska Pheasants Forever and the NRD.
Irrigation Special Components
The South Platte NRD has approved a cost-share program on irrigation scheduling devices. The cost-share rate is 50 percent of the average or actual costs, whichever is less. Final approval will be given by the District and will depend upon available funding. The following components are eligible:
Irrigation scheduling and water control components:
1. Evapotranspiration simulators
2. Soil moisture meters to read moisture block or sensors
3. Soil moisture data loggers
4. Moisture blocks or sensors
5. Irrigation well timers
6. Irrigation well hour meters
Irrigation water management components
1. Surge valves
2. Flow meters
3. Goose necks
4. Drop pipes
5. Conversion nozzles
6. Rain automatic shuttoff valves
7. Buries pipe from an existing well to a pivot or surge valve
Land must have been irrigated four of the last five years. Cost-share is not allowed for cost of electrical installation and equipment. Payment is limited to $1,000 per producer per year.
If you are interested one of these practices, please contact Travis Glanz at (308) 254-2377.