Landowners can receive cost-share assistance from the South Platte NRD for installing conservation practices such as terraces, tree planting, erosion control dams, buffer strips and livestock pipelines.
Equipment Services
For more information on equipment available from SPNRD, please view this page.
Buffer Strips
Producers with cropland near a major draw, stream or pond, may qualify for government payments under the Nebraska Buffer Strip Program. The program encourages landowners to plant buffer strips of grasses, trees or shrubs along vulnerable surface water resources. Buffer strips slow water runoff, trap sediment and prevent fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants from reaching surface water and groundwater. Buffer Strip Program contracts must run for at least five years, and no more than 10 years. Maximum payment from cost share and other sources is $250 per acre per year. Limited haying and grazing are allowed.
SPNRD offers a wide variety of tree programs. Please view the button below for more information.
Flood Control
One of the responsibilities mandated to Natural Resources Districts is flood control. Each year flood control projects built by NRDs protect thousands of acres of land and hundreds of homes from damage by uncontrolled flood waters, saving millions of dollars in rebuilding costs.
SPNRD Offers many educational opportunities for the District. Please View this page for more information.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
A community-guided document that identifies vulnerability to hazards and mitigation projects to reduce or eliminate this vulnerability. The planning area for the SPNRD HMP includes the counties of Cheyenne, Deuel, and Kimball. Members of the community from schools, cities/villages, fire districts, irrigation districts, and other jurisdictions within the three counties are invited to participate in the SPNRD HMP.
Water Management
To view information on the IMP, Groundwater Quallity, Wellhead Protection, Chemigation, and other Water Management Resources, please click the button below for more information.
Urban Conservation
Find information on xeriscape, Buffalograss Lawns, Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels here.
Well Abandonment
Old water wells not properly sealed and filled are an easy path for contaminants such as sediment, bacteria and chemicals to reach the groundwater supply. They also pose a hazard to children or animals that could fall into larger wells.