What is the goal of the IMP?
As stated in the IMP, its goal is: to work together for the greater good of all the citizens of the South Platte Natural Resources District to cooperatively develop and implement a local Integrated Surface Water/Ground Water Plan that has an acceptable degree of certainty of 1) maintaining a sufficient water supply for use by present and future generations, 2) maintaining and protecting the region's agricultural economy and the viability of cities and villages and 3) promoting the growth of economic activities while seeking to avoid adverse impacts on the environment.
Objectives of attaining the IMP
1. Conduct data collection and analysis, including: 1) information on current water uses, 2) availability of the water resources in the region, 3) determination of the level of sustainable use, and 4) develop/utilize appropriate scientific and technical tools to guide decision making.
2. Provide education to explain why the District is developing the IMP and how it will help to sustain the water supplies of the region.
3. Encourage the use of practices that conserve water in the region's aquifers.
4. Work with adjacent states and NRDs to minimize the adverse impacts of water uses in those areas on the SPNRD and to minimize the impacts from water uses within the SPNRD on other NRDs.
5. Streamline and make permit application processes more uniform and predictable.
6. Provide information and assistance for the transfer of water uses among counties, cities, villages and producers within the State.
In doing so, the IMP must recognize that it took a long time for the current conditions to develop and a long time may be required before the implemented plan can be successful. If successful, it is expected that the implementation of the IMP will maintain the ability of local groups to develop and manage the water resources on which their quality of life depends.
Basin-Wide Planning
Another requirement of the Nebraska Ground Water Management and Protection Act is that natural resources districts within fully- or overappropriated areas are required to work with NDNR to develop basin-wide integrated management plans.
Basin-wide Plan goals include: Incrementally achieving and sustaining a fully appropriated condition; Prevent reductions in the flow of a river or stream that would cause noncompliance with an interstate compact or decree or other formal state contract or agreement; and working cooperatively to identify and investigate disputes between ground water users and surface water appropriators and, if determined appropriate, implementing management solutions to address such issues.
For more information and maps showing more about integrated management, visit the DNR web site.